Missione in Cina e conferenza Tianjin

da | Giu 5, 2015 | Saggi e Articoli

Il Centro Studi CISL è partner in un progetto ISCOS a sostegno della contrattazione collettiva in Cina; in questo ambito si è tenuta ad aprile 2015 una missione in Cina con incontri con ONG, avvocati, accademici e la partecipazione ad una conferenza di studi comparati sulla contrattazione collettiva; alla missione ha partecipato Marco Bentivogli, segretario generale della FIM, che racconta l’esperienza in un breve documentario




qui di seguito riportiamo l’abstract dell’intervento alla conferenza di Tianjin di Luigi Lama e alleghiamo la presentazione

Collective bargaining and labour conflicts: a framework for analysis

by Luigi Lama, Centro Studi CISL


An enterprise is an organization of people and resources to produce goods and services. Firm hierarchy is the concrete expression of the entrepreneurial power to organize in a firm people, material and immaterial (information, patents …) resources with stable relations to pursue a goal.

The alternative way of organizing transactions is market. These two ways describe the main ways to obtain resources for a production process: make or buy. They have to be considered the opposite sides of a polar system with several intermediate forms. This is the New Institutional Economy approach and it is interesting to study industrial relations too. On one side trade unions activity brings to collective bargaining inside the firms, which means a character of markets reducing hierarchy power. On the other side, sector or national agreements establish rules, a prerogative of the hierarchies, in some market systems.

So trade unions change the balance of power in economic systems, such as in a company as well as in a country. The process gives expression to conflicts and leads to different forms of solution. Schematically we can describe five main forms of solving labour conflicts: struggle, hierarchy, rules, competition, negotiation. We can order them starting from simplest one to the most complex. In the same sense they move from the highest grade of coercion and exclusion (the winner takes all) to the maximum grade of consent and inclusion (win-win logic).